The 2023 26th Annual Dorchester Calendars are available!

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Participate in the educational, athletic, and social development of a child in the community.

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Project D.E.E.P. is an after-school educational program that helps elementary school students understand the importance of academics and the idea that hard work overcomes all.

Through our One-on-One Tutorial Program, children are encouraged to keep their focus during the school year on their academics and strengthening their classroom skills with their tutor only to be rewarded with a fun, athletic summer camp to the camp of their choice. Through this program, they are also responsible for completing community service, a service that we would not be here without.

With our Examination Preparation Program, students work with teachers in a classroom setting to study up on what material may be covered on the ISEE and/or SSAT. Because each year’s test is never the same as the one before, Project D.E.E.P. is not privy to the exact information that will be on the test year after year, we cover everything that might be on there so that our students are completely prepared. They are given pre and post tests to track their progress through the 8 week course, a system that has shown nothing but improvement.

In our Private & Parochial School Placement Program, our students are prepared for and kept in the loop about schools they may be interested in through info nights, school fairs, and interview help.

Through our Learning Latin Course and Math Support classes, we help our students with two of the trickiest subjects to date. In a classroom setting, our students can work one on one with teachers to get the extra help that they need.